Adding new pages to a Project

Pages can be added to your Project in the Pages interface. You can add as many pages as you like at any time allowing you to quickly build out your Project's structure with minimal effort.

1. Go to your Project and select Pages:

2. Press the +Add new Page button at the bottom of a Chapter to create a new page at the end of that Chapter:

3. Your pages will each be represented by a tile. Double-clicking a page tile will take you to its corresponding page in your Project.

Note: When a new page is added, it will be titled 'Page' and a number corresponding to the current number of pages in the course incremented by 1 i.e. if there are 5 pages in the course the new page will be called page 6, no matter where it’s located in the course. You can change this default title by clicking in the page tile's title field and adding your new title.
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