Making comments on a Project for team review

Comments can be added to a Project for other users to review and reply to. Collaborating with your team by making comments is a useful way to introduce quality assurance and make sure that your Project is reviewed before it is released to your learners.

For an overview of Elucidat’s Collaboration features, see Feature Focus: Collaboration.


Adding a comment

1. To add a comment to a Project, go to Review:


2. Double-click on the part of the page where you’d like to add a comment. This will add a comment bubble to the top-right corner of the nearest part or container


3. Add your comment to the Add a comment text box in the comment sidebar menu pane:


4. Select Post:



Mentioning a team member in your comment

You can mention one or more team members in your comments by typing @ and selecting a name from the menu of results. You can also refine the results by partially or wholly typing the team member's name:


When mentioned, the team member will receive an email in their inbox letting them know that you have mentioned them in a comment:



Editing a comment

1. If you’d like to edit your comment, select the three-dot menu next to the comment you’d like to edit and choose Edit from the menu:


2. Make your changes:


3. Select Save:



Replying to a comment

1. To reply to a comment, select the comment bubble you’d like to reply to in the Project or the thread in the comment sidebar menu pane::


2. The comment thread will expand when selected. Add your comment to the Add a reply text box:


3. Select Post:


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