Creating a Project from a custom built Template

Once you've created a Template, you can use it as a base for your Projects. The layout, course structure and settings from the Template you choose are automatically applied to your new course. A Template can be used as many times as you like and the Project created from it can be edited further if needed.

If you haven't created a Template yet, see Creating a Template for more information. If you're looking to create a Project from a pre-built Learning Accelerator Template, see Using Learning Accelerator Templates to create a course

To find out more about Templates, see Feature Focus: Templates.


Creating a Project from a Template

1. Go to your Project library and find the Template you'd like to use. You can use the filter field and select Templates from the Type dropdown menu to narrow down the results:


2. Once you've found the Template you'd like to use for your Project, select Use

3. Choose a name for your new Project and select Get Started:


You'll be taken to your newly built Project where you can begin editing immediately.

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