Using PowerPoint presentations as a base for a new Project

If you already have learning resources in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, you can upload it to the platform and use it as the base for a new Elucidat Project. When you upload a PowerPoint file, Elucidat will extract the content from your presentation's slides and convert it into an Elucidat Project. 

As part of the upload process, you can choose which image, video, and audio assets you'd like to use from your slides. Elucidat will pair up your text with the assets and use them to build out the structure of each page and even create interactions. 

You can then continue to refine the Project's content, layout, and structure using the platform's editing interface. To find out more about how to edit a Project using the interface, see Editing pages.

Note: The PowerPoint importer is designed to give you a rough first draft of your Project which you can build out further. For more information about what you can expect from this feature and advice on how best to use it, see Best Practice: Importing PowerPoint files into Elucidat.


Importing a PowerPoint into Elucidat

1. Go to the Start page

2. Under Choose how to start, select Launch from the Import PowerPoint tile:

PowerPoint import, arrow pointing to Import button on Start page.png

3. Select Choose a PowerPoint file:

PowerPoint import, arrow pointing to choose a powerpoint button.png

4. Find the PowerPoint you'd like to use from your files and select Open. The file will begin importing.

5. Choose the assets from your slides that you'd like to include in your new Project. You can choose as many or as few as you want:

PowerPoint import, arrow pointing to selected assets.png

Use Select All at the top right to select all the assets at once:

PowerPoint import, Select All button.png

6. Select Next

Depending on the size of the source PowerPoint file, your course may take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes to build.

Once it is built, you'll be automatically directed to your new Project where you can begin editing.

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