Using files from the Asset Library in Projects

There are several ways to add media to your Projects. You can upload them directly from your computer to your Project, use a royalty-free stock asset, or if you already have files in your Asset Library you'd like to use in your Projects, you can add them directly from there.

To add Asset Library files to your Project, you must first add a suitable container for that file. You can find out how to do this in the following articles:


Choosing a file from the Asset Library to add to your Project

1. Open your Project on the page where you'd like to add a media file

2. Open the edit menu Author, edit menu icon.pngof the media container you're adding media to

3. Select Choose from library:

Author, edit menu, image, Choose from library.png

4. Browse the Asset Library and search for the asset you'd like to use. The assets available to use will depend on the media container you're uploading the file to. For example, if you are uploading media to an image container, you will only be able to view and select the images in your library.

5. Select Use this image/video/text to add it to the container

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