Using a Score Summary to display results

The Score Summary element can be used to display the results of an assessment back to a user on a results page once the assessment has been completed.

It will automatically break down the score the learner has achieved for each scored question page in the course: 


Adding a Score Summary to a page

1. Open or create the page where you want the user to view their results after their assessment and decide where you want to add a Score Summary.

2. In Layout, select the Add here button in the location where you would like to add the Score Summary element:

Author, arrow pointing to Add here button in Layout.png

3. Select Questions and Results:

Author, parts menu with Questions and Results highlighted

4. Select Results:

Author, parts menu with Results highlighted

5. Select Score Summary:

Author, parts menu with Score Summary highlighted.png

6. The Score Summary element is now added to the page

7. Select Save

The Score Summary will include all pages where the page is set to complete by either a User submitting a score or User submitting a correct score regardless of that page's location in relation to the Score Summary. For example, a question page that is after the Score Summary page will appear on the Score Summary as well as a question before it.

Caution: The Score Summary is not compatible with Projects that have any pages where score weighting has been amended from the default value of 50.

If score weighting is amended on any page, the Score Summary will not display results. For more information about score weighting, see Adjusting a page's score weighting.

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