Deleting a Project

When you no longer need a Project, you can delete it from your library. 

Only Administrators can delete Projects. However, if you have Advanced User Management, you can create a custom role with this permission.

If you do not have permission to delete a Project, you could consider creating a folder to archive old Projects and ask an Administrator to delete them for you.

Caution: Your Projects cannot be restored once they are deleted. All learner data associated with deleted Projects will also be deleted, and cannot be restored.


Deleting a Project in your library

1. Select Projects from the top toolbar:

2. Find the Project you'd like to delete in your library

3. Select the ellipsis menu icon (author-create-ellipsis-icon.png) on the right-hand side of your Project:


4. Select Delete

5. Confirm the deletion by selecting Delete Project

Your Project will be permanently removed from your library.

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