Managing your Projects using folders

Folders are a great way to organize your team's projects. You will also need to create folders if you want to use permissions to restrict access to certain projects. 

Creating a folder

1. Select the Projects tab:


2. Scroll down the left-hand side panel until you see the folders section, then right click on the department in which you’d like to make a new folder:

3. Name your folder by entering the name in the Folder name box then select Save:


4. Add any projects to this new folder by typing the name of the folder on the project screen. Do this by clicking under the project name on Select a folder. Type the name or select from the dropdown.
Once selected the folder will be applied to this project. If you wish to remove it, click the X on the right hand side on the folder name that is applied.


5. You can also create new projects directly here by right clicking on the new folder:



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