Using Badges to reward achievement

You can help your learner celebrate their success by awarding them a Badge for their progress.

Achievements allow you to load an icon or picture (known as a Badge) that indicates that your learner has achieved a certain goal by reaching and completing a page. 

Badges are awarded by fulfilling a page completion requirement. For example, if your page's completion requirement is User opening all parts of the page, the user will need to interact with all the elements on the page to complete it and earn the Badge.

Note: Badges aren't retained between learner sessions. For example, if you leave the course and come back, any earned badges won't be retained. 

Additionally, they are not recorded in Analytics. If you'd like to track a learner's progress in Analytics, we recommend using their progress percentage or score rather than assessing which Badges have been earned. For more information, see Feature Focus: Getting started with Analyze.


Adding Badges to your Project

There are two stages to adding Badges to your Project:

1. Configure a page to award a badge by fulfilling the page's completion requirement

2. Make the awarded Badge visible to your learner by inserting it into your page 

Both of these steps must be taken in order for the Badge to be able to be awarded and become visible to the learner.


1. Configuring a page to award a Badge when completed

1. Go the page where the Badge should be awarded

2. Open Page Settings:


2. Go to the Achievements tab

3. Choose one of the following options:

a. Create your own Badge

1. Enter a name in the Achievement code field

2. Select Choose file to select an image from your files:Screenshot_2022-01-20_at_11.23.41_copy.png

3. Select Add badge

b. Add a preset or previously uploaded Badge

1. Choose Select a Badge

2. Select a Badge from the menu


When the learner completes this page according to the page's completion requirement, the Badge will be awarded. 


2. Displaying the Badge to the learner 

Once you have completed the steps above, the Badge will be awarded once the learner fulfils the completion requirement. But it will not be visible to the learner unless you add the Badge to a page.

Note: The Badge must be added to a different page to the one where it was awarded. For example, if the learner achieves a Badge on page 2, it must be displayed on a different page in order to show correctly. 

1. Select a text box to activate the text box for editing. The text formatting toolbar will appear.

2. Select Badges under the Insert dropdown menu.


3. You will now be able to choose a Badge to add to your text box.


A Badge will appear faded if the learner hasn't achieved the completion requirement of the page the Badge is connected to:


When the learner has fulfilled the completion requirement, the Badge will appear filled in:


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