Updating a live course using re-release

If you'd like to change one of your live courses, you can do this quickly using Re-release. Re-releasing a course will apply any new changes made in your Project to your live course, meaning you don't have to re-upload the course zip file to your LMS or change existing links on your website or LRS. 

For example, you may notice a typo in your course which you would like to correct. You can go back into your Project, correct the typo and re-release your content. Your live course will be automatically updated to reflect your changes. 

Note: Backup SCORM releases cannot be automatically updated via re-release and will need to be re-uploaded to your LMS if they have been re-released.


Re-releasing a course

1. Open the Project you wish to re-release and select Release:

2. Find the release you wish to update and press the Re-release icon:



Your course will now begin re-releasing. It may take a minute or two to re-release your course.

While the course is re-releasing, you can leave this screen and carry on with your work. You will receive an email notification to tell you once it has completed.

Caution: When a course is re-released, the bookmarking of any learners that are mid-way through the course will be reset.

This means that if your learner leaves the course part-way through and re-visits the module, they will see the first page and their score will be reset.

If you'd like to retain the bookmarking for a release, see Preserving your learners' bookmarking following a re-release to learn more.



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