Preserving your learners' bookmarking following a re-release

When a course is re-released, the bookmarked position and progress of any learners that are mid-way through the course will be reset.

If you do not want your learner's bookmarking to be cleared, you can choose to retain it before re-releasing the course. This will mean that your learners can pick up where they left off even after the course has been re-released.

Note: Retaining bookmarking in a re-release may not be available in your account. If you can’t see this option, please reach out to the Support team and we’ll be happy to provide more information.


Choosing to retain bookmarking

1. Open the Project which has a live course you'd like to re-release 

2. Go to Release

3. Find the course you'd like to re-release and select the re-release icon (Screenshot_2023-04-12_at_15.58.08.png). See Updating a Release for more information about re-releasing a course.

4. Select Re-release and retain bookmarking (recommended) from the re-release pop-up which appears after clicking the re-release icon:


5. Select Re-Release

This will re-release the course whilst still preserving your learner's bookmarking. 

Note: Retaining bookmarking is only possible if the changes made since the last release are in the non-clearing category. See the Understanding clearing and non-clearing edits section below.


Understanding clearing and non-clearing edits

Preserving bookmarking following a re-release can only be done if the changes made since the last release are non-clearing edits. These are non-structural changes which can be made in Author. As long as the only changes made since the last release are non-clearing edits, bookmarking can be preserved on a re-release.

Bookmarking cannot be retained in a re-release when one or more clearing edits have been made. These include structural changes to the Project that can be made in Layout as well as the Project's configuration settings. A re-release of a course following one or more clearing edits will clear the bookmarking for any learners currently in progress.


Non-clearing edits Clearing edits

Changing text

Adding, moving, duplicating or deleting pages

Changing fonts

Adding, moving, duplicating or deleting chapters
Formatting text (enabling/disabling bold, italic etc) Adding, moving, duplicating or deleting parts on one or more pages

Adding, resizing and removing images or other media from their containers in Author

Changing the page type
Adding, changing or removing links to pages, external websites and uploaded Resources Changing a page's completion requirement, Rules, Achievements or creating a Question Pool and adding it to a Question Pool in the Page Settings
Changing answers to correct or incorrect Applying a page lock to a page
Changing the style of buttons Modifying a page's score weighting
Removing image elements or text boxes in Author Changing whether a page appears in the Menu
Changing the appearance of a Project from its Style Deleting Variations of a Parent Course
Changing the Style of a Project  
Changing the learner tracking options in Configure  
Importing translations  
Changing settings in Time Limits in the Page Settings  
Uploading Resources to your Project   


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