You can quickly add new users to your team via the Users page in Team. To be able to add users, you need to have permissions enabled that allow this. Users that have this permission by default include the Account Owner and Adminstrators.
However, if you have Advanced User Management, it can be added to any user role you wish. For more information, see Feature Focus: Advanced User Management.
1. Open the Team tab on the top right of the menu.
2. Click on the + Add users button in the top right of the screen, and enter their email address:
3. Then select their user role from the dropdown list below the email address. To find out more about the different user roles, see Feature Focus: User Roles:
4. Then select the level of access they require. To find out more about this see Limiting users' access:
If you select Access to specific Departments you will then be presented with a dropdown from which you should choose the Department(s) to which they require access.
5. Then press Send Invitation.
This will send the new user an email invitation requesting them to log in to Elucidat. When they log in, they will be able to add their name and create their password.
Note: For security reasons, Elucidat staff cannot perform user management actions on customer accounts. This should be done by a user within the account who has user management permissions, such as the Account Owner or an Adminstrator. |