Importing and exporting your Translation Glossary in CSV format

You can export your Translation Glossary from Elucidat as a CSV file. This is useful if you have a large glossary that is more efficient to maintain in an external program like a spreadsheet or if you already have an existing glossary that you'd like to use.

You can amend the glossary in its CSV format and then upload the updated glossary list back into Elucidat to add the items from the file to your current glossary.

For more information about the file and how to understand and amend it, see Understanding how to use and edit a Translation Glossary file


Exporting a glossary file

1. Go to Team

2. Select Glossary:

Author, highlighted Glossary in toolbar.png

3. Scroll to the bottom of your list of terms

4. Select the Download button:

Translation Glossary, arrow pointing to glossary download button.png


Importing a glossary file

1. Go to Team

2. Select Glossary

3. Select the Upload button:

Translation Glossary, arrow pointing to glossary upload button.png

4. Choose the file you'd like to upload 

The terms from your file will be added to your glossary.

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