Translation files in Elucidat can be downloaded in two formats: CSV and XLIFF 1.2.
Both file formats use the exact same method of translation: replacing your original text (or source text) with your translated text (or target text). But the file type you use will depend on your needs and method of translation.
CSV files (CSV stands for Comma Separated Values) can be opened and translated in a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or Numbers for Mac.
This file type is most suitable for in-house translations or where your translation vendor is not using a specialized translation tool. If your translation vendor is using a specialized translation tool, XLIFF 1.2 will be a more suitable option.
5 'For reference only' media content
6 Identifying which Project your CSV file was exported from
Editing a CSV file
Each line in the CSV file contains text from a text element in your Project.
When opened in a spreadsheet, the CSV file is split into four columns.
- Column A shows the page where the line of text can be found.
- Column B shows the ID of the item that is being translated.
- Column C contains the source text.
- Column D is for the target text.
When you export your CSV file from your Project, Column D will be empty. This is where you will add your translated text.
Columns A, B and C should not be edited.
If you leave a cell in the D column empty, this will mean that that line will be skipped and the text won’t be translated when the CSV file is uploaded.
HTML tags
In your CSV file, you may see HTML tags around your text which define how that text is formatted when it appears in your Project. HTML tags often come in pairs with an opening tag and a closing tag like this:
When translating your text using Column D, the HTML tags should not be translated and must be preserved exactly as they appear in Column C.
For example:
in Column C
would be translated as:
<strong>Bonjour !</strong>
in Column D.
IETF language tags
Cells C1 and D1 contain an IETF language tag. When a CSV is exported, the language tags in both C1 and D1 will be the same. We’d recommend changing the IETF tag in cell D1 to the language that you’re translating to. When the CSV is uploaded back into the Project, Elucidat will recognize this tag and set the Project to the corresponding language.
Tip: For a list of IETF tags and their corresponding language, please see IETF language tags. |
Theme translations
The first section of your CSV contains Theme translations.
Theme translations are lines of text that are an inherent part of a Project or its parts.
This includes things like:
- Button action text for interactions. For example, Flip on the button of a Flipcard.
- Hover-over tooltip text. For example, on a Next button with just an icon and no text label, the learner can hover over this button with their cursor and see
- Prompt text that the learner may see when they perform certain actions. For example, on a course that uses the Identify feature, the prompt Please enter your name and email address and we'll send you your unique course link can be translated
- Text that appears in social polling graphs. For example, when not enough data for a social poll graph has been collected, the message, There is not yet enough data to display this graph will appear and can be translated.
You can choose to translate as many or as few of these as you need. For instance, if you don't have social poll graphs in your course, you can skip translating the Theme translations relating to these as they won't be used.
Tip: While your custom translated text content will differ between Projects, Theme translations will always be the same for all Projects. This means that they can be re-used. If you’ve already translated the Theme translations in a previous Project for a certain language, you may want to save them in another document so they can be used again for other Projects in that same language. |
'For reference only' media content
Your CSV will also contain lines for your course's media content. They can be distinguished by the ID content.xxxxxxx shown in Column B.
Column C will contain a URL for the content followed by (for reference only).
These do not need to be edited, changed or translated in Column D as they are just for reference. They can be safely ignored with no impact to your translation.
Identifying which Project your CSV file was exported from
In cell A1, you will see a two 13 character strings separated by a hyphen. The second 13 character string is the Project's unique ID.
For example, if 5efc4e0f04aab-62221afe2d5d5 is the string, then, 62221afe2d5d5 is the Project ID. The Project ID can be found in the URL of your Project so if you're unsure which Project the CSV was exported from, you can add the Project ID to the following URL to navigate straight to your Project.
It's necessary to be sure which Project your CSV was exported from in order for the translation process to work correctly. If you try to upload a CSV from one Project into another, your course will not be translated as Elucidat relies on the page and part IDs within the CSV to identify which text needs to be changed.