Checking platform usage data

The Usage dashboard offers a quick insight into your Elucidat account metrics. The data contained in the Usage dashboard enables you to monitor how many learners you’ve reached, how many releases you’ve created, the number of users in your account and which pricing tier you’re currently on.

To find the Usage dashboard:

1. Go to Team located in the top toolbar

2. Then select Usage

Arrow pointing to Usage in the Team tab in the Support Elucidat account.png

3. You’ll find the dashboard under the Data tab:

Usage dashboard showing sample values.png

From left to right you will see:

Learners: this tells you the number of learners that have accessed your courses since the beginning of your term, so you can check how many you have left in your plan.

Releases: this tells you the number of releases that have been created and the amount allowed in your plan, so you can see how many you have left. Deleting releases will reduce this number.

Users: this tells you the number of unique users that are currently in your account and the number of users allowed in your pricing plan, so you can see how many you have remaining to you.

Note: The Usage dashboard is only available to users whose role gives them permission to view Team. By default, this will only be Administrators but you can create custom roles with these permissions using Advanced user management.
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