Creating a copy of a Parent Course 

Duplicating a Parent Course allows you to create an exact copy of your Parent along with any of its Variations. This can be useful, for example, in cases when a course run annually and requires a new version for the coming year's intake.

A duplicated Parent Course and its Variations will be separate from the original Project they were created from. This means that any changes made in the duplicated Projects will not be inherited by the original Parent or its Variations. For more information about how the Parent and Variation relationship works, see Feature Focus: Parent courses and Variations.


Duplicating a Parent Course

1. To begin, open the Parent Course you wish to duplicate.

2. Go to Configure and select the Duplicate button:


3. In the popup window, enter the name for your new Parent course:


4. Select the Variations you would like to duplicate along with the Parent Course by checking or unchecking the box next to the name of each Variation. Any checked Variations will be duplicated. Variations left unchecked will not be included in the duplicated Parent:


5. Press the Duplicate button:


6. A popup window will appear informing you that the duplication of the Parent course has been successful. You will receive an email letting you know when the Variations have finished duplicating:


Note: The duplicated Parent course and Variations will be added to the same folder the original Parent course is in.
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