Elucidat Release Notes 26/07/22 - 02/08/22

Bug Fixes

  • We've fixed a cosmetic issue where, when editing a resource, it would sometimes show "Force this file to download onto the Learner's computer" as selected even when the default browser behaviour had been chosen previously. The actual behaviour set was respected, so this was a purely cosmetic issue.

  • We've fixed an issue where Social Polls were not loading data for SCORM for LMS releases made from a Variation.
  • We'e fixed an issue where tags were not being sent in xAPI statements for Free Text Entry questions.
  • We've fixed an issue where tags were not being sent in xAPI statements for Sortable image Card interactions.


  • We've improved some parts of the French translation of the app.
  • Comment counts now exclude resolved comments.
  • We've laid further groundwork for a future Templates feature.
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