Elucidat’s Product Roundup 2022

Find out what's new and improved in Elucidat so you can create impactful elearning at scale!


December 2022 | November 2022 | October 2022 | September 2022 | August 2022 | July 2022 | June 2022 | May 2022 | April 2022 | March 2022 | February 2022 | January 2022

Interested in travelling through time and seeing all the improvements we made in Elucidat? 
Look back at 2021 or return to 2023.

December 2022

The Projects page just got a makeover! 

We have been working hard behind closed curtains to bring you a new, updated Projects page. The page’s functionality will remain the same, but over time we will be adding features that will enable you to get more insights and value.

We want to ensure that the changes we make benefit you, so we invite you to share any feedback with us via the Support team or your Customer Success Manager.


November 2022

The new Guided Authoring user role allows you to set up your colleagues with the correct permissions at lightning speed!

We have added Guided Author as a default role that you can choose from in the Team area of Elucidat.
This addition means that you can allocate the Guided Author role with the exact permissions needed so anyone in your team can create impactful elearning.


Working with external collaborators made easy!

In Elucidat, we made it easier to collaborate with an anyone by allowing you to invite them to leave feedback on your Projects.

There’s no need for them to have an Elucidat account, and you can also maintain control by setting a time limit for the review.


Collaborating at speed and cutting down time!

We’ve now made it possible to @mention other users within your Elucidat account. You can simply tag someone when writing a comment, and they will get an email notification immediately.

We made it so you can only tag colleagues with access to your course; this is so you can be confident that only colleagues with the right department access and user permissions will be able to make any changes.


October 2022

Anyone in your organization can be an elearning superstar with Guided Authoring!

Guided Authoring is our newest feature in Elucidat as part of our Collaborative Content Creation approach. How does it help with collaboration? It’s simple. It allows experienced L&D teams to create on-brand templates that adhere to your company's needs and expectations.

The templates can be used by anyone you like, because you’re able to lock down the functionality so authors can’t go wrong.

Check out our Guided Authoring page to see the full functionality and request a demo.



September 2022

We updated our API, so it’s easier than ever to manage your Projects at scale! 

For customers using the Elucidat API, Projects can now be duplicated, renamed, and organized using the API, allowing you to create automations for these processes. Also, the search functionality for Projects and Releases has been enhanced to allow the use of logical operators and operands as well as exact values.

These changes will help you unlock further potential of time-saving automations when you scale up your business!


August 2022

Going from Master Course to Parent Course.

As an elearning provider, we know that words can carry weight, so we need to be conscious of the words we use to communicate. With that in mind, we decided it would be best to remove the term “Master Course” and replace it with  “Parent Course” across our product. 

The functionality and the location of Parent Courses will remain the same as its predecessor so you can continue to work with them the same as before.



You can now default your closed captions! So you’re never lost in translation. 

Many of our customers are using Variations that allow them to display similar courses in a variety of different languages. Some courses use embedded videos to enhance the learning experience.  

While using videos to enhance the learning experience is great, sometimes budget constraints won’t allow for re-recording the audio into different languages and closed captions will be used. 

With the new update in Elucidat, we have made it possible for authors to be in control of defaulting a video to closed captions. This allows your learners to instantly understand whether their local language is only supported in closed captions, thus allowing them to spend more time on the course rather than trying to change the audio to a language that isn’t supported. 



Combining xAPI / TinCan 1.0 and SCORM without the hustle! 

We recently made a UI change in our configuration tab, allowing you to combine xAPI / TinCan 1.0  and SCORM without having to save your work twice! 

Previously, if you wanted to integrate the two,  you would have to fill in information for one, save it, and then proceed to do the same with the other. Adding a tick box on the bottom of that screen for xAPI / TinCan 1.0 has made it easier and quicker to have both options.



July 2022

Reviewing has never been more effortless!

In Elucidat, we value user feedback as it helps us continually improve the user experience. So, we were delighted to receive feedback about the Review feature from you. 

The Review feature is one of our most used and sought-after features in Elucidat; it allows authors to invite colleagues to look at your content, suggest changes and highlight any areas of improvement. 

While the Review feature had already helped many of our users deliver better elearning, there was still room for improvement. Therefore, we have made it easier to leave, view, and reply to comments by making the process more streamlined.

Check out this video for a full feature update


Manage your fonts without the need for an intermediary

With Elucidat, you can upload your company's fonts, pictures, and captions to ensure that your brand is consistent throughout the course. However, when authors previously needed to remove fonts from the Asset Library, they had to raise a ticket with our Support team.

We have given back the power to the authors with a new update. You can now quickly delete fonts you no longer need from your account, removing the need to contact our team to do this for you.



June 2022

Save time fixing HTML tag translation errors with our improved error identification!

Using our translations import workflow is simple, you download a CSV file, you proceed to make your alterations to the required language and you re-upload. However, previous versions of this feature didn’t allow for the identification of HTML tag errors in the translated file.

When an error occurred, you were presented with a simple error message that was generic and difficult to identify. Your team had to comb through the file to find the missing tags, which was frustrating and took a long time.

With our new update, we made every error message identifiable by giving you the exact line where the error exists! This will reduce your translation time as if an error appears, your translator will be able to make changes to the file and re-upload it quickly.


Be in control of your title fonts with our newest update!

In a preceding version of Elucidat, when our users needed to make changes to the page title fonts, they had to go to each page and change them individually. This created extra work and, as a result, made authoring longer.

With the newest update, our users are able to adjust to different fonts alongside the size and spacing. This change has made it so authors are able to quickly and effortlessly change the look and feel of their course and create a more personalized user experience from the get go.


May 2022

Unleash the power of collaboration with our new Review feature!

We’re really excited to introduce our new and improved Review feature. Now it’s easier than ever to ask colleagues to review your Projects and increase the quality of your content.

With Elucidat’s Review feature, you can invite reviewers at any time. Your reviewers will be able to review your Project and leave comments via a dedicated Collaboration area within Elucidat. You can also see the status of each review so you can keep track of progress.

The new and improved Review feature makes collaboration seamless! And it doesn’t stop there, we’ve got some exciting enhancements such as user tagging and external reviewers to make the feature even more powerful coming soon.


April 2022

Updated graph experience for learners

Previously, when using a graph in your Project, the first few learners would see randomly generated placeholder data in the graph. This could cause confusion or display an inaccurate conclusion.

We’ve changed it so that the first few learners will now see a message informing them that the graph doesn’t yet have enough data. As soon as enough learners have accessed the course, the graph will display!


Usage data now within your hands!

You’ve now got access to a new usage dashboard in Elucidat! Seamlessly keep track of your users, learners and releases in one place.

You can also see which Elucidat plan you’re on, as well as when your next renewal is!


March 2022

Identifying learners using an Online Link with multiple domains

It’s now possible to restrict access to learners using any number of email domains when using the Online Link identify feature!

Previously, only one domain could be set, which would mean you’d need to create a separate release for each configured email domain. We’ve now enabled multiple domains!


Create and edit tables

Tables are back! As we transition over to our new text editor, we’ve now enabled tables in the new editor to help users migrate.

We’re also working on a new tables component in the background to ensure tables in Projects work seamlessly across all devices! Watch this space…


Project color coding

Is this a Parent Course? Is this a Variation? Is this a standalone Project? Now you’ll be able to tell instantly which type of Project you’re in!

We’ve added handy color coding across Elucidat so you can tell the type of Project you’re editing at a quick glance. No more accidental edits in a Variation when you meant to edit the Parent Course!


Page template accessibility highlight

At Elucidat we believe in creating people-centered elearning and this includes ensuring elearning is accessible for all.

To support users creating accessible elearning, we’ve added a handy new icon to identify which page types are recommended for Projects.


February 2022

Get more visibility with Usage Logs

We’ve introduced a new feature which allows you to pull a report of how your users have been using Elucidat so you have more visibility across your account.

You’ll be able to see when users have logged in, which Projects have been created, which pages have been updated and more! Users with the permission to view your subscription details will have the ability to download usage logs from the Teams area.


January 2022

Project releases at super speed!

We’ve made a major update to the way Project releases are made. Previously when triggering a Project release it would join a queue and the size of the queue would determine how long it’d take to get your Project… and no one likes a long queue!

As learning in Elucidat reaches 30 million people, the release queue is no more! Now releases are on-demand meaning they’re MUCH quicker! One customer who helped us test this at scale reported a near 2,000% speed increase! Now that’s quick.

New text editor

Our brand new text editor makes it easier and quicker than ever to craft the words you need. We’ve given the text editing experience a facelift with a super modern interface and ironed out some of those annoying little quirks! Yeah, we’re talking about you ‘backspace’….

As a fundamental part of the authoring experience, we hope you love the changes! Find out more here.


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