Elucidat Release Notes 11/07/22 - 25/07/22

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue where a resolved comment on a page element would prevent the addition of further comments.
  • We fixed a small cosmetic issue whereby a Private Asset indicator was appearing underneath an audio part instead of to the side.
  • We've fixed an issue where changing a letter to be upper or lower case in a title in a Variation was not updating correctly.
  • We've fixed an issue where you were unable to download a Your Data CSV if the project name contained an ampersand.


  • We've improved the alert that appears when trying to delete a Master Course with a Variation.
  • We've corrected some French translations within the app.
  • Launchpad has now been removed from the app.
  • We've laid the groundwork for a future Templates feature.
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