Elucidat's compatibility with browsers and devices

We try to be as accessible to as many users as possible and, like all considerate software companies, we have to tread the line between providing great functionality, supporting older technology, and ensuring that our users are protected. 

Our compatibility policy was created to make it easier for us to:

  • Keep you and your learners secure by keeping up with the best modern technologies
  • Improve the Elucidat experience as a whole


Compatibility overview

There are two experiences that Elucidat provides:

  • Authoring: the elearning building experience in the Elucidat Author and Create platforms
  • Learning: the content created in Elucidat and distributed to learners in the form of an Online Link or SCORM package

This table shows the compatibility of the authoring and learning experiences in Elucidat:

Experience Desktop Mobile


The two most recent versions of any major browser or operating system Not supported in mobile browsers
Learning The two most recent versions of any major browser or operating system The two most recent versions of any major browser or operating system


Additional information on browsers

Examples of major browsers include, but are not exclusive to, the following:

  • Google Chrome 
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Microsoft Edge

We do not support any versions of Internet Explorer


Defining supported and unsupported usage

We expect the best experience when using supported browsers, browser versions, or devices (or collectively, "environments"). Learners will generally find that Elucidat courses work well in almost every modern OS (operating system) for both desktop computers and mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. 

We don't expect any specific issues in earlier OS versions and older devices but we also cannot guarantee that there won't be a degradation in learner experience as a result of using older or outdated software or devices.

Issues that arise as a result of using a supported environment will be investigated by the Support team who will assess the appropriate next steps.

For issues that arise as a result of using unsupported environments, Elucidat will not provide support or commit to fixes or enhancements to address those issues.



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