Select one answer: Video with Question

Adding a Video with Question to your course is a useful way of testing a learner's understanding of the content of the video immediately after they have watched it.

Once the learner has watched the video, they will be presented with a question within the video container.

Note: The Video with Question is designed to be used with directly uploaded videos only. We don't support the use of embedded videos with this question type.


Adding a Video With Question

1. Open the page in your course where you would like to add the Video with Question question type.

2. In Layout, navigate to the position on the page where you would like to add the Video with Question question type and select the Add here button.

3. Select Questions and Results:


4. Press on Select one answer:


5. Select Video with Question:


6. A Video with Question element will be added to the page, with the video container displayed by default: 


7. To toggle between the video container and the question element, click the Show ending screen button:


8. Press the Save button to save the changes.



Video with Question settings

In Layout, with the Show ending screen button selected, the settings for the question can be found by pressing the Variations menu on the top right of the interaction:


Under Variations you have the option to select the Form Type. This setting determines whether the question is considered as part of an Assessment or Survey, or used as a Knowledge Check. To find out more about the different Form Types, see Feature Focus: Question Types.


The Space around answers ption lets you determine how close the answers are to the edges of the question container.

The Items per row option allows you to determine how many answers appear before a new row starts. This setting can also be determined for Tablet and Mobile devices.

The Hide Question Header checkbox allows you to show or hide the bold question header on the form.



Setting up a Video with Question

In Author, select the Edit menu at the top right of the video container to add the video you want the learner to watch before they take the question:


With the Show ending screen button selected, activate the text boxes to change the default text to the question you want to ask and to add a sentence before the answer, if required:


By default, all of the answers are set to incorrect, and you will need to set the one correct answer. To select whether an answer is correct (or change it back to incorrect), first select the Edit menu on the top right of the answer element:


Under Answer is… select your preferred setting for the answer:


To add more answer options for the learner to choose from, click the + Add Answer button on the bottom right of the interaction:



Video with Question example

Here is a typical example of how a Video with Question is often used. This example asks the learner to determine which company value was discussed in the video. In Preview, the video initially displays:


Once the video has been watched, the question will be shown:


The learner then selects what they believe to be the correct answer:


Once selected, the learner then clicks the Submit button to submit their answer.

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