Sort answers: Sortable List questions 

Adding a Sortable List question to your course is a good way to test or consolidate a learner's understanding of a process or series of steps.


Adding a Sortable List question type

1. Open the page in your course where you would like to add the Sortable List question type.

2. In Layout, navigate to the position on the page where you would like to add the Sortable List question type and click the Add here button.

3. Select Questions and Results:


4. Select Sort answers:


5. Select Sortable List:


6. The Sortable List question type will be added to the page with three Ssortable Items added by default. Click the Save button to save the changes to the page.



Sortable List Settings

In Layout, the settings for the Sortable List question type can be found by clicking on the variations menu on the top right of the interaction:


Under Variations you have the option to select the Form Type. This setting determines whether the question is considered as part of an Assessment or used as a Knowledge Check. To find out more about the different Form Types, see Feature Focus: Question Types.


The Hide Question Header checkbox allows you to remove the bold question header on the form.



Setting up a Sortable List question type

In Author, click in the text boxes to change the default text to the question you want to ask and to add any more guidance in add a sentence before the answer (you can also delete this if it’s not needed):


With the top Sortable Item being the first answer, move your way down the Sortable Items, entering the answers in the correct sequence. The order of the Sortable Items in Author will be considered as the correct order the learner will need to order them in. 

When the learner takes the course, the item order will be randomized and the learner will have to sort them into the correct order.

To add more Sortable Items, click the + Add Item button on the top right of the item list.



Sortable List Example

Here is a typical example of how a Sortable List question type is often used. The example asks the learner to organize the Sortable Items, detailing how to add a Sortable List question to a course, into the correct order. In Preview, the list is randomly ordered:


The learner then drags the Sortable Items into what they believe to be the correct order:


Once the learner believes the items are in the correct order they can then submit their answer by pressing the Submit button.

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