Using the Fill in the blanks question type is useful when you want learners to type their answer into a space intentionally left blank. This question type has various uses, e.g. if the question is to fill in a missing word in a sentence.
Adding a Fill in the Blanks question type
1. Open the page in your course where you would like to add the Fill in the blanks question type.
2. In Layout, navigate to the position on the page where you would like to add the Fill in the blanks question type and click the Add here button.
3. Select Questions and Results:
4. Select Learner Input:
5. Select Fill in the blanks:
6. The Fill in the blanks question form will be added to the page. Click the Save button to save the changes.
Fill in the blanks settings
In Layout, the settings for the Fill in the blanks question type can be found by clicking on the variations menu on the top right of the interaction:
Under Variations you have the option to select the Form Type. This setting determines whether the question is considered as part of an Assessment or used as a Knowledge Check. To find out more about the different Form Types, see Feature Focus: Question Types.
The Hide Question Header checkbox allows you to remove the bold question header on the form.
Setting up a Fill in the blanks question type
In Author, click in the text boxes to change the default text to the question you want to ask and to add a sentence before the answer:
In the answer field, where the learner will submit their answer, type in the correct answer to the question:
If there is more than one answer, or the answer has different spellings, multiple correct answers can be entered into the field. These answers must be separated by a comma, for example:
If you would like to add multiple answer fields to the same question, select where in the text box you would like the answer field and click the +Add Blank button to the right of the interaction:
Fill in the blanks example
Here is a typical example of how a Fill in the blanks question type is often used in courses. The example asks the learner to enter what they believe the Elucidat company values are. In Preview the answer fields will appear blank:
The learner then has to submit what they believe the correct answers to be by typing into each field: