Overview: The Project API


There are currently two versions of the Project API available. This documentation covers the latest version, Version 2.


This API is intended to be consumed by applications, therefore a high standard of security is implemented.

  • You may create one or more applications in your account prior to using the API.
  • Without doing creating an application, access to the API will fail.
  • An application has a title (for reference), a public API key, and a secret key.
  • An application can have its permissions revoked at any time.
  • Once permission to an application has been revoked, any calls to the API using its public and secret keys will fail.
  • It is recommended that you create one application for each third-party system you wish to grant access to.
  • This allows you to easily manage permissions in the future.
  • These public and secret application keys are visible to you within the Elucidat platform.

Creating an application

Before using the API, you must create a set of keys that from part of the authentication requirements for the projects API.

In your Elucidat account, click the person.png button in the top right, and select API Access:


Next, click Project API (v2):


This will take you to the Project API page within your account.

Give your application a name - we suggest using something that you will remember later on.

For example, 'testingappDONTREMOVE1234' is not as useful in the future as 'Integration Test 2021', should you need to revoke the keys.

Once you've named your application, click +Add Application:


Your application will be added to the list of available applications, and the Public Key and Private Key shown alongside the application name.



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