Creating a copy of a Project

You can create a copy of one of your Elucidat Projects using the Duplicate feature. This can be useful if you'd like to use an existing Project as a template for a new one or if you'd like to explore a different way of building without affecting your original Project.


Duplicating a Project

1. Go to the Project you'd like to duplicate and select Configure from the toolbar:


2. Select Duplicate in the sidebar on the right hand side:


3. You'll be prompted to choose a name for your duplicated Project. You can keep the default name (the name of the original Project, with ‘duplicate’ added to the end in parentheses) or enter your own:


4. After naming your new Project, select Duplicate:


5. After a brief duplication process, a new popup will open, which contains a link. This will take you to your new Project:


6. If you would like to continue working in the original Project instead, then select Close:


The duplicated Project will be assigned to the same folder(s) as the original Project. For example, if the original Project is in 'Folder 1', the duplicated Project will also be built in 'Folder 1':


For more information about how to assign folders to your Projects, see Managing your Projects using folders.


Note: If you are duplicating a Variation of a Parent Project, the new Project will be built as a new Variation of the same Parent. For more information about creating a copy of a Variation which is not connected to the original Parent Project, please see Importing Pages From Another Project.
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