Sending the final result on a specific page

When your learners reach the end of a course, they will receive their final result.

A learner’s final result will indicate whether or not they have completed or passed the course successfully and may also include a score value.

This result is reported automatically when the learner reaches the final page of the course. For example, a linear course that is ten pages long will report the final result when the learner reaches and completes page 10 - the final page.

However, this behaviour can be modified so that the final result is reported on a specific page instead of the final page.


When might this be useful?

This is useful for courses that use branching paths which end at different positions in the course.

For example, a course could split into two possible paths depending on the actions of the learner. In a ten page course, the course could split into two separate paths after page 2. 

Path A would begin at page 3 and end at page 5.

Path B would bypass pages 3 to 5, begin at page 6 and end on page 10

This means this branched course would have two possible final pages from which the score would need to be sent: the last page of Path A (page 5) and the final page of the course which is also the end of Path B (page 10).

In this scenario, enabling the final result to be sent on page 5 ensures that learners who went down Path A would have their result reported when they reached the end of that path.

There's no need to enable this on page 10 as this page would be reached only by learners who went down Path B. Since page 10 is the final page of the course, their final result will be reported automatically.

Not enabling this option would mean that Path A learners would never have their final result reported as they would never reach the final page of the course.

If you'd like to learn more about creating branching courses using Rules, see Feature Focus: Creating Branching Scenarios.


Making the final result report on a specific page

1. Open the page where you’d like the final result to be reported.

2. Open Page Settings.

3. Select the Scoring & Completion tab.

4. Enable Send final score on this page by selecting the check box:



5. Select Save to save your changes.

Note: This option is designed to change the place when a learner's total result is captured and reported. This includes both their progress percentage and their total score.

It is not required to be enabled in order for a single page to report a score. To find out more about how to configure your pages to report a score, see Configuring page completion settings.

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