Feature Focus: Translation

Having your elearning available in different languages allows your content to reach a wider global audience. Using Elucidat’s translation features, you can create separate standalone translated versions of your content, or you can use our Variations Manager to create a single Parent course with multiple linked language Variations and release your content as a Multi-Language Course.


How does it work?

Translating in Elucidat can be done using a couple of methods. The first involves extracting the text from your finished Project into a CSV or XLIFF translation file. Then you can pass that file to your in-house translation team or an external vendor. Once translated, it can then be uploaded back into Elucidat to replace the Project’s original text with the translated version.

Another way to translate your courses is using Auto-Translate. This feature can help you build out fully translated courses with minimal time and effort by automatically translating your courses for you. To learn more about Auto-Translate, see Feature Focus: Auto Translate.


Using Variations Manager to create Multi-Language Courses

Using Elucidat’s Variations Manager is the most efficient and speedy way to create multilingual elearning. It allows you to create as many Variations as you like at any time from a single Parent course. So if you start with five languages but want to add an extra language option as your reach grows, it’s easy to do so without having to rebuild a course from scratch.

Variations can be created with translation files or by using Auto-Translate.

The nature of the Parent/Variation relationship also allows you to quickly apply changes to all of your Variations at once just by editing the Parent course:



To find out more about how Parent and Variation courses work, see Feature Focus: Parent courses and Variations.

When you're ready to distribute your course to your learners, there are several options you can choose.

You could release your language Variations all at once as a single Multi-Language release. When launched, the preferred language can be chosen by the learner from a list. Which language they choose determines which language Variation they are directed to for their learning.


Or you could release each Variation separately. This can be useful if you'd like to target the distribution of your courses more specifically while still retaining the benefit of the Parent/Variation relationship.

For step-by-step instructions on how to begin creating Multi-Language content, see our Multi-language course creation section.


Translating courses individually

If you'd prefer to keep your different language courses separate from each other outside of the control of a Parent course, you can translate Projects individually instead.

Translating your courses individually will mean that each of your translated courses will be separate from one another. This is useful if you're looking to make one-off translations of your content or if you'd like to create translations outside of the Parent/Variation functionality.

For instructions on how to begin individually translating your courses, see our Translating a single course section.



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