Using images is a great way to illustrate your Project and make it more engaging for your learner. Images can be used to either display information related to your content, such as a diagram or workflow, or as a way to make the content more visually appealing.
We accept PNG and JPG image uploads up to 12MB. For more information about how to make the most images in your Project, see Best Practice: Working with images.
1. To add an image, open any page in the Project you wish to add an Image to.
2. Open the page in Layout.
3. Navigate to the part of the page you would like to add the image container and select the Add here button.
4. Select Media & Imagery:
5. Select Image:
6. A single image container will be added to the page. Select the Save button to save the changes and open the page in Author.
7. Select the Edit menu on the top right of the image container:
8. Select the Image dropdown.
9. Select either Upload, to upload an image file from your device, or From Library to upload an image from your Asset Library:
10. Once you have added your image, select the Save button to save the changes to the page.