Welcome to Elucidat!
You may be familiar with the interface from product demos, and we’ve designed the platform to be intuitive to understand. However if you just want a quick refresher on the main elements of the interface, you’re in the right place!
Start page
When you log in, you’ll be on the Start page. This is where you can create a Project, either using our Learning Accelerator Project wizard (A), by duplicating another existing Project (B), or by creating a new Project from scratch (C).
The Header menu
At the top of the page you’ll see the Header menu, where you’ll be able to return to this Start page at any time.
(A) Projects - this is where you’ll find your Projects, and Projects which have been shared with you.
(B) Asset Library - this is where you’ll find and be able to manage all the media linked to from your Projects.
(C) Learning Hub - our free video tutorials to take you through key steps of building Projects in Elucidat.
(D) Team - everything to do with your Team and where you can manage their Roles within the site and permissions.
(E) Profile information - this is where you can set your profile information, access help from our support team, and select the language you want to use in the interface.
The Projects page
Let’s take a look at the Projects page:
Pressing Projects in the header menu will take you to your Projects page.
(A) Here you can search for a Project - just type in your search text. You can also use the filters here to fine tune your search.
(B) Folders are where you can access all the folders which are shared with you - and right-click to create new ones.
(C) All of your Projects (or those you’ve searched/filtered for) will be listed in the center of the page, and the coloured bars indicate the type of Project for quick reference. Just click on a project to get editing!
(D) The gray icons to the right of the Project view indicate whether it’s been released, who it’s shared with, and the trashcan button (if visible to you) allows you to delete it. Click on each to see your options.
Opening a project
To open a project, just click on it. You’ll be taken to the Pages screen for that project:
(A) Here you’ll be able to navigate through all of the configuration options for the Project you’re in.
(B) The title of the current Project and what type of project it is are indicated in the top left of the screen.
(C) Each individual page is displayed with a preview window showing the start of the page’s content.
(D) Pressing the 3 dot menu on the right of any Page allows you see further options for managing that Page.
(E) Finally, you can add a brand new page to a Chapter by pressing +Add new Page at the bottom of each Chapter – then just press & drag them to the location where you want them to sit.
We hope you enjoy creating awesome elearning using Elucidat! If you have any further queries, just search in the search bar above, or get in touch with our support team by raising a support request.