The keys to building a course in Elucidat are Author, Layout and Preview:
- Author is for working with page content like editing text and uploading media.
- Layout is for designing the layout of pages and adding new page elements and parts. To find out more about how to use Layout, see Using Layout to add page parts.
- Preview is where you can see a preview of your course to check and see how it will work when live.
Note: What you see when you open the page may vary slightly depending on your allocated user role and access scope. Contact your account administrator if you're unsure about your permissions or would like to change them. |
Editing content
Elucidat is a true WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, which means that you can see all of your changes while you're making them. Every editable page part will have an Edit button, indicated by a pencil in the top right of that element ().
When you click a page part’s Edit button, the button will change to a tick, and the Edit menu will open where you can see the configuration options possible for that part:
Tip: You can also activate the edit options by double-clicking the page part you would like to edit. |
Text and anything else that can be edited in Elucidat will display the Edit button when you hover over it.
Once you have made your edits press Save at the top right of the page to keep them or press CTRL+S in Windows or ⌘+S on Mac:
If you make an edit you don’t wish to keep, press the Undo button, which will remove all of the changes since your last save.