Overview: Page Progress Menus

There are several types of Page Progress Menu that you can add to your Project as an aid to navigating a course page. These enable the learner to view a visual representation of their progress within a page. On longer pages this helps learners get a sense of how much of the page is left before completion. Different types are suited for different scenarios. 

The appearance and position of each Page Progress Menu can be modified in the part’s Variations menus in Layout view. 

The Variations menu is accessed by pressing the wrench icon in the options which appear when you hover over the element container. Page Progress Menus have several different Variations menus for each element of the part.


Note: The Page Progress Menu is designed for use on longer pages with a minimum of three or more sections. On pages with fewer than three sections, the Page Progress Menu will not appear.


Dotted Menu



The Dotted Menu does not display page names, so it is a great option if you have several sections or very long section titles. 

It can be placed in a variety of positions on your screen.

If you choose Inline - Left Aligned, Inline - Right Aligned or Inline - Center Aligned, the menu will scroll with your content and be aligned to it.

If you choose Fixed to Left Side of the Screen or Fixed to Right Side of the Screen the menu will always be present on screen, fixed to either the left or right of the page.

Horizontal list Menu


The Horizontal list Menu will display the names of your page’s sections. It will take up the full width of the section that you add it to.

By default the Horizontal list Menu will scroll with your content. If you check the Stick to the top of the screen display option, the menu will always be visible on screen.

The Horizontal list Menu will also change to a dropdown menu at Tablet view mode (in order to save space). If you want to change this, you can configure this option using the Convert to Dropdown control.

Vertical list Menu


The Vertical list Menu will display the names of your page’s sections as a stacked list.

By default the Vertical list Menu will scroll with your content. If you check the Stick to the top of the screen display option, the menu will always be visible on screen.

The Vertical list Menu will also change to a dropdown menu at Tablet view mode (in order to save space). If you want to change this, you can configure this option using the Convert to Dropdown control.

Stepper Menu

The Stepper Menu will display the numbers of your page sections as a list. This menu can also be set to remain on your page at all times by checking the Stick to the top of the screen option.

Stepper Dots Menu

The Stepper Menu will display a simple progress bar that shows where the learner is and which pages they have completed but does not show the name or sections.


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