Granting users access to Elucidat Create

If you'd like your team to be able to access Elucidat Create, you can modify their permissions in the Team settings. 


Roles in Elucidat Create

There are two roles in Elucidat Create:

  • Administrator: has full access to all aspects of the account in Elucidat Create
  • Author: may create and edit Elucidat Create Projects, add assets to the Asset Library, and export Projects, but may not carry out administrative actions like user management and Brand creation. 

A user's role in Elucidat Create is separate from their role in Elucidat Author. Roles assigned in one area do not transfer to the other. For example, a user designated as an Administrator in Author will not automatically have the same role in Create.

For more information on configuring roles in Elucidat Author, see:


Note: Only Administrators or users with custom roles that include user management permissions can modify user details. For security purposes, Elucidat Support cannot alter user permissions. If you need access to Elucidat Create, contact your account administrator.


Enabling Elucidat Create access

1. Go to Team

2. Find the user you'd like to edit

3. Select their entry to reveal the user management menu:


4. Enable access to Elucidat Create by checking Grant access to Elucidat Create:


5. Select an option from the Elucidat Create role drop-down menu:

  • Administrator: assigns the Administrator role to the user 
  • Author: assigns the Author role to the user

6. Select Save Changes to save the new user configuration


Revoking access to Elucidat Create

1. Go to Team

2. Find the user you'd like to edit

3. Select their entry to reveal the user management menu

4. Uncheck Grant access to Elucidat Create

5. Select Save Changes


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