Users with the Adminstrator role are protected from deletion by other users. This is to ensure that your account always has a user with full access.
A user that needs to be removed who is also an Adminstrator must first have their role changed by another Adminstrator.
Deleting an Adminstrator
1. Go to Team
2. Find and select the user you'd like to delete. A sidebar menu will open when the user is selected:
3. Select a different user role from the User Roles drop-down menu. Any role other than Adminstrator can be chosen.
4. Select Save Changes
5. Select the user again and open the 3 vertical dots menu () in the top left corner
6. Select Delete User
Caution: A user cannot be restored once they have been deleted. If you would like the user to join your team again in the future, you'll need to invite them again. See Adding a new user to your teamfor more information.